4 Yoga Tips for Women Over 60

If you’re over 60, the very thought of starting practicing yoga can seem a little daunting. You might be thinking… “There’s no chance that my knees can handle IT!” The most wonderful thing about yoga is that ANYONE of any age and experience level can do it. The key is to practice it on a regular basis.
If you’ve taken the plunge and decided to start practicing, kudos to you! You’re going to love the way you feel after you’ve been doing it for a while. Here are some tips to start your new yoga practice safely!
1. It’s How You Do It, Not How Much or How Often
The quality of time you spend on the mat is way more important than how much time or how long were you able to hold on to a pose. Try doing all kinds of poses you feel comfortable with at your own pace.
2.Find the right studio or teacher
Some yoga studios offer gentle yoga and classes for seniors. It might be helpful, though, to start with a class that’s geared towards senior citizens. It will take time for you to get comfortable and learn the basics of yoga. You could later move into a regular class after you get a hang of it.
3. Go easy on yourself
Give your body time to get comfortable with the basic poses and to build up strength in muscles you probably haven’t used in a long time.
4.Practice with a smile
It can be hard to learn something new, and most of the time when we are doing a new type of exercise, we strain, fuss, and groan. So, put a smile on your face because that is the right way.
If you enjoy yourself while you’re doing yoga, you’ll probably stick with it. Life is short, so find joy in everything you do, including yoga! Feel free to leave a comment below if you liked this article or if you have any more yoga tips to share for women over 60!