5 Foods for Instant Energy

You’re at work. It’s a little past 11 am and your stomach is starting to grumble. You look at your watch and you realize you still have to push yourself for an hour till lunchtime. You open your drawer to find that slab of chocolate inviting you… What will you do?
Most of the time, we tend to compromise on eating healthy food when hunger strikes us. Your mind needs to work and for that your stomach needs to be fueled instantly. We won’t be surprised if you munch on that chocolate despite feeling guilty for doing so later. But it’s always too late by then.
So here is a list of foods that you can carry to work to snack on to give you that instant boost:
1. Green smoothies: This is the best energy booster that you can give your body as the fresh green vegetables that you use are rich in antioxidants. They have the tendency to be absorbed by the body instantly as the breaking down process is very short. Make sure you use only green vegetable and ditch that sugar. Add honey instead, if needed.
2. Coconuts: How many times have you stolen those coconut slivers while your mom keeps it aside for cooking? It’s not only tasty but also has flavonoids which provide instant energy. The best part is, you feel energized for a very long time with just 3-4 slivers.
3. Chickpeas: Being rich in Vitamin B and Magnesium, they are loaded with nutrients required to produce molecules of energy. Add a bit of curry powder to it, to give that extra spiciness. Spicy foods have the natural tendency to kill dead cells and eliminate them out of your system thereby helping you revitalize.
4. Figs, Nuts & Dates: These are the best sources of energy. You will be able to feel energized by picking just a few. Be cautious while you eat nuts as they can sometimes cause an imbalance in cholesterol levels and can make you feel sick.
5. Yogurt: This always comes as a saving grace every time you feel tired or drained. Cool it in the fridge before you eat to get refreshed instantly. Yogurt provides an excellent replenishment to your body’s glycogen sources and helps them release a lot of energy.
http://www.womansday.com/food- recipes/food-drinks/g2071/best -foods-for-energy/?slide=1
http://www.efficientlifeskills .com/5-foods-to-give-you-an- instant-energy-boost-and-a- better-mood/