5 Scientific Ways To Lose Weight, Aside From Starving And Exercise
“Starvation and exercise are too much; I just wish there was some way to lose weight without having to run around or completely avoiding the food I love!”
Have you ever felt this way? Then read on, as SoH takes a look at the various ways of losing weight that aren’t dieting or exercise!
Method 1: Drink Water Regularly
Especially if you make it a habit to gulp some down before meals, water can help you lose weight. The details: drink half a liter of water before every meal; this reduces your appetite, helping you lose weight.
Method 2: Put That Phone Away!
And your tablet, and your iPad, and your laptop… every electronic distraction makes you lose track of how much you’re eating. If you don’t switch these off, you can eat up to 10% more than you would normally.
Method 3: Cut Out The Colas
Arguably the one worst item on diets today, sugary and aerated ‘cold drinks’ load up a massific number of calories. Avoid these, and you’ll see a huge difference.
Method 4: Sleep Better
Inadequate sleep and too much stress can wreak havoc on your health. Regular sleep ensures the supply of hormones ghrelin and leptin, while stress produces cortisol. All 3 hormones increase your appetite.
Method 5: Eat More Proteins
Whether you get them from daal, murgh (chicken), eggs or healthy nuts, proteins are a great way to lose weight. They can reduce calorie consumption per day by 441 as much as calories, boosting weight loss.
All these hacks are easy, simple ways to lose weight. A healthy diet and exercise may be the most straightforward path to fitness, but these methods can help just as well!