5 steps to cope with PCOS

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) has become a common disorder among women of reproductive age – common however does not mean that living or coping with PCOS is an easy task! PCOS  not just affects a woman’s hormones but it also comes with a fair share of side-effects that include adult acne, weight gain, facial hair and sometimes even infertility.

However, here is the good news – adapting a healthy lifestyle and making some simple changes to your everyday habits can go a long way in managing PCOS and evading these side-effects.

1.    Eat healthy

There is no substitute to fixing your relationship with food. Cut out foods that involve high amounts of carbohydrates, eliminate junk food and replace these with nutrient dense high fibre carbs or foods that contain lean protein and healthy fat.


2.    Exercise

Incorporating some exercise into your day will go a long way in helping you by controlling insulin sensitivity, increasing frequency of ovulation and helping to keep cholesterol in check. Remember, weight loss is not the only goal!


3.    Avoid stimulants

Any stimulant – it could be one (or two, or three) cups of coffee, a glass of alcohol or a smoke, although widely prevalent in lifestyles today is the worst thing to do for someone with PCOS. These stimulants increase insulin production and only make PCOS worse.

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4.    Manage stress

Learning to cope with PCOS involves not just the physical aspects but also learning to manage stress. PCOS often cause mood-swings, depression and stress which is why it is important to stay relaxed, calm and informed about these so that you can handle it better.


5.    Stay organized

A large part of learning to live with PCOS involve planning – it could be planning to meet your doctor, planning to take regular tests, planning to eat healthy meals or planning to exercise daily. It is important to stay organized and plan these things ahead so that they don’t stress you out!




