6 Fun Things to Do While Waiting in a Line

It’s been two weeks since the nation was taken by surprise. ATMs have been overflowing with people since the announcement of demonetization and the queues seem never ending. Most of the Indians have their weekends dedicated for withdrawing money from ATMs. There are still a few people gearing up with headphones in the ears and a refreshing drink in their hands to fight the tediousness. Waiting in queues can be very exhausting and annoying. If the weather isn’t very supportive, you are definitely going to whine and pine till the end of time. Keeping yourself calm and composed during such situations is very important. If possible, try and help old people and pregnant woman and you will feel good about yourself.
Listed below are a few fun things you could try to entertain yourself and stay cool while you’re in that long queue.
1. Play the alphabet game: While you’re waiting outside an ATM, look around and spot objects that start with A,B,C, and so on. Don’t skip letters if you’re finding it deifficult – the trick is to try hard and keep looking to kill the time.
2. Carry a Sudoku book: Play with those numbers on the Sudoku book and activate those brain cells. You will really find yourself progressing faster in the queue .
3. Phone to the rescue: This is the most obvious option. Play games, read the news, reply to mails, chat with friends, play with snapchat filters, browse your gallery etc. – the options are never ending.
4. Clean your wallet/handbag: You would have never realized that your wallet still has bills you got centuries ago. This is the best time to organize and clean up your bag/wallet and while you do so, check the bills and try to remember when got it and any incidents associated to it. You may end up having a few sweet memories!
5. Take your Kindle: If you’re a person who loves to read, it is needless to say that your tablet (or your current book) is your best companion.
6. Rubik’s cube: If you’ve never tried playing with a Rubik’s cube, you are probably missing out on something fun and exciting. Search for videos that help you with hacks to make it more interesting.
Lastly, if you’re not a fan of standing in long queues and you still find yourself crying thinking about it, there are a few start-ups that are offering their services to help you skip those queues. All you have to do is to download the app, pay them and they’ll get someone to wait for you in the queue. You will be intimated when your turn is nearing.
http://liveplayfully.gogosquee z.com/fun-things-to-do-while- waiting-in-line/
http://www.wesh.com/article/18 -ways-to-kill-time-while-waiti ng-in-line-at-a-theme-park/ 4439781