6 Tips to Quit Smoking Naturally

It might surprise you that India is home to almost 12% of the world’s smoking population and close to 9 lakh people die every year in India because of smoking! This is quite an alarming number and has to be viewed seriously since smoking kills not only the smoker but also the people around. It can be quite a challenge to come out of the addiction but it is necessary to atleast try for the sake of yourself & your loved ones around you.
Here are a few big facts about smoking which might make you want to say NO.
· Tobacco is the second leading cause of death globally after hypertension
· One in 10 people die due to smoking
· Each cigarette has 5000 toxic chemicals of which 70 have known to be carcinogenic
· 15 billion cigarettes are being smoked worldwide everyday We know it’s not easy to quit!
But you can try some of the following simple & natural remedies at home and kick the habit for good.
1. Sweets for once is OK: Research has shown that about 30% of the people who crave a cigarette get satiated when they indulge in sweets. Pop some of your favourite candies or buy some sugar-free candies but don’t go overboard.
2. Announce to the whole world: It is believed that when you share things to people you wish to achieve or do, the efforts you put in for it is more. So use social media or your favourite whatsapp groups to tell people that you’re quitting smoking. Try pulling in a few of your other friends and do it as a team- it’s more fun!
3. Reconsider dieting: If you’re in that phase of dieting where you say NO to every yummy food you see, you’re doing a mistake. Trying to quit smoking and getting in shape at the same time can do more harm than good. You may sometimes gain a few kilos while trying to quit smoking simply because you tend to indulge in other stuff but you can always lose them in two months or so with a proper diet & exercise. So go easy on that diet!
4. Drink lemon juice: Lemon juice has high drug-resisting properties making it ideal for clearing the toxins out of your blood after smoking. Drink 4-5 glasses of lemon juice and flush those toxins out of your body.
5. Massages: A good massage has proven to curb the cravings of a smoker. You can massage your hands or ears by yourself to reduce anxiety and improve your mood.
6. Avoid the triggers: You might always feel like smoking after doing something specific. Find that trigger and avoid it. It may be alcohol, coffee or even a particular food. Chew sugar-free gums instead if needed!
http://www.rd.com/health/welln ess/quit-smoking/