7 bad habits that you should bid goodbye with 2018!

If you’ve promised to give your life a major upgrade in 2019—and beyond; the first step is to leave behind bad habits that may be sabotaging your progress. It might not be easy, but let’s give it a try!
It indeed is very easy to postpone doing what needs to get done and to leave it for the next day – except when the next day never comes. So here’s a suggestion- Maybe you should consider eliminating the word “lazy” from our vocabulary entirely to get back on track and stay active!
Spending too much time on the couch
People living a sedentary lifestyle tend to be less healthy. Experts believe, you should get at least 150 minutes of moderate cardio activity or 75 minutes of vigorous cardio activity per week, or some combination in between.
Waking up at 12 pm or later
People who wake late miss one of the greatest feats of nature- ‘Sunshine.’ Also, if you try waking up earlier; you will have more time to get things done and won’t be missing out on half the day.
Spending money on unnecessary things
Start off this new year with the best of intentions to save money – buying only what you need and trying to watch your spendings. So, how about learning to budget your money and stopping to rely on your credit cards?
Convincing yourself that everything you worry about will happen
Worrying yourself too much is one of those common, sneaky bad habits most people indulge in without realizing it. It can cause a lot of stress. So, stop worrying and start living!
Using electronics before bed
You already know you should be getting between seven and nine hours of sleep per night. A before-bed Instagram/Facebook scrolling can steal your sleep away. Moreover, most sleep experts recommend finishing any screen time at least 20 minutes before you’re ready for bed.