7 Popular Lies We Tell Our Doctors
Doctors know about this before they even see their first patient.
Patients lie, and about a lot of things. The false information we give our doctors, and the true information we sometimes withhold, can have a nasty effect on our health.
Here’s a list of 7 lies doctors hear all too often.
Lie #1: “No, I Don’t Skip My Medication”
Often, doctors ask patients about the medication they prescribed. Often, patients lie about this.
If you stopped taking your pills, tonics, or shots, let your physician know. You’ll need to work with your doctor, and clarity is paramount. Only when you’re clear about your medication can your doctor ensure your speedy recovery.
Lie #2: “I Haven’t Smoked In Years”
Lying about smoking: a bad idea for so many reasons.
This interferes with your treatment. Especially with respiratory issues like bronchitis, doctors give smokers much heavier medication. This is to compensate for the smoking, which weakens your body’s protective mechanisms.
Lie #3: “Yes, I Exercise Regularly…”
You might avoid a slightly disapproving glance from your doctor, but you’ll also risk improper medication. If you can’t perform a particular exercise due to a certain condition, let your doctor know. They will usually recommend an alternative exercise that you can do.
Exercise is vital to good health and longevity, and lying about it can make you compromise on both.
Lie #4: “…And I Eat Healthy Too”
Lie about your eating habits, and you’re possibly headed for a misdiagnosis.
Especially with food-related diseases like type-2 diabetes, lying about food habits can get pretty dangerous.
Lie #5: “Sexual Problems? I.. Er… Don’t Have Those.”
This is more of an issue with men.
Lying about STDs, for instance, can result in crippling pain and even fatal infections. Most of these are treatable, but only if your doctor knows about it. Another area men have a problem discussing: a lowered libido, or trouble maintaining an erection.
This might spell embarrassment for you, but it could spell something else entirely for your doctor. Like heart disease, or a mental issue.
Lie #6: Exaggerating Your Symptoms…
Never a good idea. You could end up doing unnecessary tests. Worse, you might end up getting medication for an ailment you don’t really have.
Lie #7: …And Underplaying Them
Explain symptoms as they are: don’t exaggerate, and definitely don’t downplay symptoms that could be serious. For instance, a pain that’s been steadily intensifying needs the immediate attention of your doctor.
Avoid these lies, and you’ll make things better for yourself starting from the next doctor’s appointment!