“I have a headache!”
This is something that we all either say or hear on a daily basis. Most of us assume that a headache is just something that is happening because of the current situation we are in and that it will get better by the end of the day. However, this is not always the case. Sometimes, a headache might just be your body’s way of hinting at a bigger problem. It could be a cry for help or your body telling you to take better care of yourself.

Here are 5 things that headaches might mean that you could possibly be ignoring. Make sure you fix these things before brushing off your headaches as just another normal part of your day!


1.Hormonal Headaches

For women especially, hormonal imbalance can be a major reason for getting headaches. During pregnancy, menopause or their periods women tend to find that they have headaches. However, if you are facing these on a daily basis it might be a good idea to get your blood work done to rule out any hormonal imbalance.



If you are over-working or constantly under emotional stress, a headache is often your body asking you to slow down. Pause and reflect on the things you can change about your day to ensure that you are not ignoring the symptoms.


3.Lack of Nutrition


How does your diet look like? If you find yourself a victim of constant headaches, it just might have a lot to do with your diet. Undereating, over-eating or even taking in too much junk can cause headaches. Ensure you have a clean and healthy diet to help your body recover from the regular headaches.


Water is not called the elixir of life without a reason – not drinking enough water can cause a whole host of problems for you which also includes unexplained headaches. Ensure that you are drinking enough water on a daily basis to rule out this cause.


5.Too much Caffeine intake
Remember that coffee you are drinking one cup after another to bid goodbye to the headaches? It just might be the reason you are getting more headaches! Your body has a tendency to get used to the caffeine you are drinking and a lack of it immediately sends it into a panic mode thereby causing more headaches and pain.



http://www.webmd.com/migraines-headaches/guide/migraines- headaches-basics#3