5 non-confrontational ways to convey your emotional needs
There is nothing wrong with having needs and wanting to have them met. Be it emotional, physical, or mental, everyone deserves to be with a partner who understands their needs. Reluctance to discuss these needs puts strain on a relationship and can cause permanent damage.
The simple trick is to talk. Communicate your feelings and pave the way for a healthy relationship. Here are five non–confrontational methods that will help you get your emotional desires met.
1.If you want to bring a change in your partners behaviour, get good at making observations. Be prepared to discuss your thoughts as openly as possible with your partner with all the kindness you can muster.
2. Ask yourself what you need. Do you want a change? Do you want to be understood better? Whatever your need is, asking for it directly will greatly improve your chances of getting it. If your partner doesn’t know what you need or if you expect him or her to read your mind no changes can happen.
3. Tell your partner what you want, not what you don’t want. Be honest, be clear and be kind. By letting your partner know exactly what you want it will make his or her job much easier.
4. Greatly value the contribution your partner has made to your life. If someone feels valued he or she will do the best they can to keep you happy. Reminding your mate that you know your life is better because he or she is in it is very encouraging and very loving.
5. Balance is key to maintaining an emotionally fit relationship. Even though things may not be exactly as you would like them, feeling that life with your mate is balanced will help you to maintain a loving environment.
It can be a hard thing to find balance in relationships but it is one of the most important acts we can strive for to make it work. Hope these tips will heal your love life and make your relationship feel magical.