Beat the heat – How to take care of your summer skin!

Whether we like it or not, summer is officially here – and it’s here to stay for a while.
The body is subjected to a lot of changes along with the weather – but here is how your skin can beat the heat:
1. Hydration: The importance of drinking a lot of water just cannot be underlined enough. Drink at least 2.5 litres of fluids a day! Apart from preventing dizziness and dehydration, it’s also the secret to that summer glow!
2. Apply (and reapply!) sunscreen: Now, you get sun-screens that are perfectly compatible to every type of skin type – oily, dry, sensitive, and more. To avoid getting a painful sunburn and risk of diseases like skin cancer, make sure you apply sun-screen before you brave the outside. For the face, about a teaspoon would be ideal, and for the body – as much as would fill a shot glass.
3. Cooling gels: Forgot the sunscreen or developed a heat rash? there is nothing as soothing as a cooling gel, or aloe vera. Gently apply it over the reddened area to reduce swelling and redness.
4. Moisturize & exfoliate: while this is advised for all seasons and all reasons, moisturizing and exfoliating is important especially in summer. It removes dead cells, cleans out your pores and most of all – prevents dry skin!
5. Wear protective clothing: there is no such thing as “too careful”! apart from the sun-screen, make sure to wear some light-coloured fabrics to keep the heat level down and light-weight fabrics to be comfortable. And accessories go a long way too! A hat provides permanent shade for your facial skin, and sunglasses protect the sensitive area around your eyes.
So there you go – rather than worrying about rashes, dry skin, and sunburn, you can now go out and enjoy the good things about summer!