Breast Care Tests to Consider this National Mammography Day

Last week we broke some myths and explained the facts about breast cancer and today, on National Mammography day get ready to be enlightened about breast cancer tests that every women has to necessarily undergo with respect to her age. It was in 1993, that the importance of breast cancer awareness was felt by the world and initiatives were taken to dedicate the month of October every year to spread awareness. If you’re asking us if Breast Cancer Awareness is still an issue even after 20 years, the answer is yes. Most are aware of the concept of Mammography but not many know when and how often they should get it done. Did you know that breast cancer is the most common cancer among women and the second most deadly cancer after lung cancer? If you’re a woman over the age of 40, it is imperative to schedule your mammography test right away.
Here are the tests every woman should consider based on her age:
Age 20- 40: Clinical Breast Examination & Mammostrat Test The American Cancer Society (ACS) claims that these tests have to be done once every three years by women aged between 20 and 30. Mammostrat test is a genome test that measures the level of breast cancer cells that are present. Also, there are a few self examinations which can be made at home like touching your breasts and looking for unusual lumps, spots, contraction or expansion of the nipple, etc. While doing this every month you will be able to differentiate any abnormality that may occur eventually since you’ll then be familiar with the look and feel of your breasts.
Age 40 and above: Mammogram, MRI & MBI It is recommended that every woman above 40 should get a mammogram screening every year. It is better to visit a qualified physician and discuss your risk factors and lifestyle choices so that they can then devise a time-table for your screening tests depending on your family history and other factors. Sometimes, women who have been treated for breast cancer before or those who have had their breasts removed might have to get breast MRIs or Molecular Breast Imaging done regularly. Usually a qualified physician will be able to guide you through this. It’s now your turn to spread the word and keep the women of our Earth healthy and protected!