
4 simple ways to a healthy scalp!

Sometimes, especially after a sweaty workout, you may feel great but your hair may feel sweaty and itchy. If that has you thinking you may wonder that washing your hair is the best option; hold tight: You may actually be washing your hair too much after working out, which can cause your scalp to swing from dry to oily.

OK, so wash less: check. What else for this itchy, flaky scalp?

  • An oil for hydration

Warm up olive, coconut, or jojoba oil, and add few drops of lavender or rosemary oil. Massage it into your scalp before sleep. 


This helps in proper blood circulation to the hair follicles as well as ensures deep nourishment and removal of dirt and toxins.

  • Take steam on the hair

This helps in opening up the pores and thus flushes out the dirt and toxins from the scalp.

  • Brushing your hair frequently

This will help in blood circulation, prevent hair loss and keep the sweat away.


The takeaway

If your scalp ain’t happy, your hair probably isn’t either. “Scalp skin is one of the thickest on the body, and it carries more blood than the rest of your skin. It might take a little experimenting to find the remedy that works for you. So, try out these remedies and tell us what worked for you.



World Water Day 2019- Water For All!

World Water Day falls on 22nd March every year, and is a global event that focuses on the importance of water, and reaffirms our commitment towards conservation and development of water resources. This year’s theme, ‘Leaving no one behind’, adapts the central promise of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development with the goal of providing #WaterForAll by 2030.


Even today, billions of people are still living without safe water – households, schools, workplaces, farms and factories are struggling to survive and thrive. How can we tackle water crisis?


Here are some easy tips you can follow to save water in your own home.


  1. In toilets and shower- Install low or dual flush models, take shorter showers, install shower timers, and low-flow faucet aerators.
  2. Faucets and sinks- Opt for the dishwasher over hand washing, check faucets and pipes for leaks and turn off the water after you wet your toothbrush.


Extending your conservation measures:


  1. Trap rainwater by installing rainwater harvesting systems in your house or locality
  2. Reuse waste water wherever possible. For example, water drained from RO filters or air conditioners at home can be used for mopping the floor.


So start water conservation at home and make saving water part of your everyday family practice. Remember, every drop counts! Small changes can make a large impact, and we can leave a better future for the next generation.

Happy Water Day!


5 Holi Colours You Can Make At Home, The Natural Way!

Holi Hai! It’s the festival of colours, joy, and fun! Holi is a festival that is celebrated not just in North India – its spirit evokes joy and has encouraged people worldwide to celebrate it. However, the use of synthetic and chemical-heavy colours might cause more damage than they do fun. Here are 5 colours that are eco-friendly, completely natural and can easily be made at home!

  • Pink:

Grind up some beetroots and let them dry in the sun for an intense pink colour! You can also boil them in water for a wet colour.

  • Yellow:

Brighten things up with yellow! Mix turmeric and besan powder in a 1:2 ratio for a vibrant dry yellow colour. For a wet colour, mix turmeric with water.

  • Red:

Fire up the fun! Grind dried up red rose petals or hibiscus to a fine powder for a brilliant dry red colour. You can also use vermillion (sindoor) for red. For a wet colour, you can mix these powders with water.

  • Green:

Dry, powdered, 100% pure henna makes for a great green! Henna is safe to use dry and can be easily brushed off if not mixed with water. For a wet green colour, mix mint leaf or spinach paste with water.

  • Brown:

Brown is a good alternative to black. Mix henna powder and dried amla powder in a 1:4 ratio for a rich brown colour. It can also be used as a wet colour if you mix it with water!

Hope you use these tips to celebrate Holi in a natural and safe way! If you know ways to make more colours, comment below!

Digital Detox – How To Do It And Why Is It Good For You?

A recent study has established that an average person spends more time on devices than he or she sleeps! The average time spent on devices is 8.5 hours, while the average time of sleep is 8 hours. This is a glaring testament to how much the human race has become reliant on technology in our daily lives. This is exactly why a ‘digital detox’ – an extended period of time without the use of digital devices – is recommended!

Let’s see the steps needed to take to embark on a digital detox:

  • Assess: The devices you spend the most time on in a day are the ones that need to go! Set a time period for your detox and resolve to not using any of the devices in that period.
  • Begin: This is the toughest part. You need to find alternatives to the things you use your devices for – be it checking in on your friends or just spending some time alone. Go hang out with your buddies or pick up that old forgotten hobby again!
  • Reflect: During and after the detox, it is important to reflect and think about what you could do better after your detox is over. Your perspective towards social interactions and life altogether might change for the better!

What the detox will do for you:

  1. It will help you sleep better.
  2. It will give your eyes some much-needed rest.
  3. You will feel more productive.
  4. It will improve your interpersonal relationships.
  5. It will help you understand and plan your daily life better.

The above-mentioned benefits are only a few of many! Go on a digital detox, and let us know what other benefits you’ve experienced in the comments!

5 ways to naturally relieve period cramps!

Some women have the good fortune of having periods that pass by without event, while some have the misfortune of having painful cramps associated with each period. But before you reach for that bottle of ibuprofen, consider these natural remedies for cramps!

  1. Exercise:
    You might wonder how on earth you can exercise when in pain. However, brisk walking or any kind of aerobic exercise helps release endorphins in your brain and soothe your cramps.
  2. Amp up the heat:
    Cramps are caused due to the contraction of muscles and applying heat will help ease the pain. Heating pads or even a water bottle filled with hot water applied to your abdomen might help ease the pain.
  3. Drink some tea:
    Herbal teas like chamomile or peppermint contain chemicals that aid the release of oxytocin, the relaxing hormone and prostaglandin, an anti-inflammatory. It’s a double win – you get to relax and enjoy a drink!
  4. Get that Vitamin D:
    Soak in the sun or eat food like tuna, salmon, egg yolks, cheese, almonds, and soy milk to absorb Vitamin D. Vitamin D or Calciferol is a fat-soluble vitamin that can help reduce inflammation and alleviate cramps.
  5. Give your diet a Magnesium Makeover
    Your menstrual cycle involves both your nerves and muscles, and magnesium helps regulate the functioning of both these systems while preventing water retention which causes bloating. Eating a lot of leafy greens and food such as bananas, avocados and even dark chocolate helps boost the magnesium in your diet.

Hope these natural remedies help you with your next period. Comment below if you have any other helpful tips!

5 daily habits that are slowly hurting your heart!

Surely we’ve all heard time and again about how we shouldn’t indulge in a whole laundry list of vices. However, there are a few everyday habits we should keep a check on to keep a check on our hearts too!

Let’s look at what they are, and what we can do about them:

  • Soundcheck your snores:


Snoring could be a sign of sleep apnea, which could lead to heart disease. Thankfully, however, there are a number of ways to keep your snoring in check, from pillows to breathing techniques!



  • Cut back on TV time:



Watching TV is a sedentary activity, and could cause your blood vessels to stiffen and result in cholesterol buildup. So trade your couch time for some stimulating activities!



  • Stop that nail-biting:



Your nails could be teeming with bacteria – they touch virtually everything you come in contact with. Biting your nails could result in you contracting diseases that could cause high blood pressure. So make a conscious effort to break this habit!



  • Don’t pop painkillers too often:

Female hands holding pill and glass of water, woman taking supplements or antibiotic antidepressant painkiller medication to relieve pain headache, contraception side effects concept, close up view


Overuse of painkillers could lead to serious health issues in the not-so-distant future. Continued use of painkillers like aspirin or ibuprofen can increase your risk for high blood pressure. So next time you have a headache, try natural remedies!



  • Take a chill pill:

Woman practicing yoga by a lake


The hormones in our bodies cause our blood pressure and sugar levels to rise. So if you’re going through a tough time, use some stress-busting techniques like acupressure or meditation!


A small change can go a big way! Implement these minor lifestyle changes to keep your heart healthy and happy for the majority of your life.

5 Health Benefits of Red Wine

We’ve all heard that a glass of wine here and there is great for you, but how exactly does it contribute to your well-being? Before we talk about health benefits, let’s talk ‘pour-size’. The recommended intake for red wine is between 1-1.5 glasses a day for women and 1-2 glasses a day for men.

Now that we got that figured out, let’s move on to the fun part. So, pour yourself a glass, and take a look at 5 ways wine can benefit your health.


  • Lowers risk of stroke

Wine acts as a natural blood thinner, breaking up any blood clots that can lead to a stroke.


  • Increases bone density


Red wine contains high levels of silicon, which is proven to improve bone mineral density.


  • Lowers bad cholesterol


Resveratrol, a compound in red wine that has antioxidant properties decreases LDL – bad cholesterol and increases HDL – good cholesterol.


  • Improves cognitive function


Drinking the recommended portion of wine can also improve brain function. Recent studies show that low levels of alcohol can decrease inflammation and help the brain clear away different toxins.


  • Reduces risk of colon cancer, prostate cancer, and breast cancer


Resveratrol, found in red wine, not only fights against heart disease but also against certain cancerous cells.


So, toast to your health & enjoy your wine in moderation!

Valentine’s Week Special- 6 Tips To Keep Your Heart Healthy !

The month of February is not just about flowers and chocolate. Take some time to be good to your heart, and share these heart-healthy tips with your friends and family.

  1. Do 30 minutes of exercise every day

  2. Take charge of stress

    mind healthy lifestyle hand gesture
  3. Quit smoking

    Man getting the cigaratte
  4. Get enough sleep

  5. Eat dark chocolate

  6. Laugh out loud 


While you keep these in mind, also make sure you get your periodic checkups done. Now, that’s not so hard, right?

Take care!



4 Ways to Encourage Healthy Habits in Your Partner!- Valentine’s Week Special

How do you encourage healthy habits in your partner? The secret: You can’t make him do anything! What you can do is change your actions. Here are five tips that will help you and your partner eat and live healthier together.

  1. Stock your house with healthy foods 
  2. Cook healthy meals for each other
  3. Plan healthy “together-time’ activities such as working out together
    Couple running together in a race
  4. Reward healthy habits


Do your best to support, join in, and reward the healthier habits your loved one tries out. Also, be prepared to accept their preferences—or limitations—if needed.

Essential Oils for your Thyroid Hormones

Hyperthyroidism is a condition that arises when your body produces an excess amount of the thyroid hormone. Few symptoms may include weight loss, anxiety, heartbeat irregularities, and muscle weakness. The biggest threat to your thyroid health is the stress that you allow into your life.

How can you deal with it? Try some self-care routines; using essential oils are a great place to start. Essential oils may not prevent your body from producing too much thyroid hormone, but may help you de-stress and improve the symptoms of Hyperthyroidism.

Lemongrass oil has been considered for its powerful anti-inflammatory properties. If you have a swollen or inflamed thyroid area, applying lemongrass oil can provide immediate relief.
If you experience anxiety caused by hyperthyroidism, consider using lavender oil. It helps you relax and feel good.


Sandlewood oil is known for its anti-anxiety properties. Apply a few drops of sandalwood at your pressure points, or diffuse sandalwood oil through an aromatherapy diffuser to help treat anxiety caused by an overactive thyroid.


Essential oils can be used to treat some symptoms of thyroid conditions. If you are not sure if you have a thyroid condition, consult your doctor, and get tested and before you try any type of home remedy.

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