Mental Well-Being

Healthy Foods That Reduce Stress and Depression

Nowadays most people lead hectic lifestyles. For that, there is a considerable amount of stress faced by most people in their lives. It is known that stress does not produce good effects on the health. If one faces stress for a long period of time it can cause negative effects on the body, behaviour and moods. It can also adversely affect short term as well as long term physical problems such as learning abilities, impaired memory, coronary heart disease, high blood pressure and a compromised immune system. There are many ways to reduce stress such as taking up yoga, exercise and even the right food in order to counteract stress.

Top 5 Super Foods to Fight Stress
1.    Green Tea
Green tea has many helpful properties which can help to reduce stress and calm the mind.
•    Green tea contains powerful antioxidants such as flavonoids, polyphenols catechins among others
•    These antioxidants help to create a positive mod
•    They can bring on a calming effect on the mind and body
If one is undergoing a stressful situation, it is best to opt for several cups of green tea during the day. It is also preferable to opt for black tea as well. Both types of tea are known to have beneficial plant compounds that can help to counteract the effects of stress on our lives.

2.    Blueberries
Blueberries have many benefits and most of them also prove effective towards handling stress.
•    Blueberries are packed with antioxidants which can help to reduce the stress levels
•    The vitamins C and E that these berries contain as well as minerals like manganese and magnesium are helpful when it comes to handling the effects of stress
•    If the blueberries are consumed regularly you will be able to handle insomnia, mood disorders and depression
This fruit is beneficial in many ways. One can even use these berries to make shakes and desserts of they are trying to lose weight.

3.    Milk
You might have scoffed at your mom when she told you to drink milk regularly, but research shows that milk intake on a regular basis can help to counteract stress.
•    Even a glass of skim milk has good amount of antioxidants
•    There are essential vitamins and minerals like vitamins A, D  as well as calcium and protein
•    Free radicals that are released when one is stressed are fought by such nutrients
•    One will surely feel calmer when one drinks a glass of milk
Indeed, a great way to start the day is to have a bowl of whole grain cereal along with skim milk. One could also opt for other milk based products like yogurt or cottage cheese.

4.    Spinach
This green vegetable offers many nutritional benefits that help to counter stress.
•    It is a rich source of vitamins C, A and B complex
•    There are any minerals included here like potassium, calcium, phosphorous and magnesium
If one consumes a cup of spinach daily they will surely feel the relaxing effect of the vegetable on themselves. One can add the vegetable in their wraps, sandwiches as well as in omelettes or salads. The vegetable is known to have other beneficial nutritional properties for which the immune system is also well fortified by its regular consumption.

5.    Almonds
Almonds among nuts are great snack options when one is stressed.
•    The nuts are high in vitamins like B and E
•    The minerals that it contains are healthy oils, zinc and magnesium
•    It is a great form of fibre
One can consume the nuts in their raw or the roasted form. The nuts are frequently added in baked items and desserts. Not only are the stress hormones reduced, blood pressure is reduced and energy levels boosted when one takes up a handful of almonds every so often.

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The Scientifically Proven Mental Shift That Makes You Physically Healthier

In this day and age, you would have to be living under a rock not to have heard about the powerful mind-body connection. For example, we know that exercise helps alleviate depression, yoga is great for stress management, eating vegetables and other superfoods can make you happier and the way you walk can boost your mood. So, for your overall mental health, you should definitely be exercising, eating right and engaging in other forms of self-care.

But did you know that the reverse is also true? Your moods and overall mindset have a measurable effect on your body and its functioning. Here are four of the most fascinating scientific findings about how your outlook on life affects your health.

1. Your perception of stress affects its actual impact on your body.

We have all heard about the negative effects of stress on our bodies. However, researchers out of the University of Wisconsin at Madison discovered that our views about stress may actually play a bigger role in its negative effects than the stress itself. In the study, they tracked 30,000 American adults for eight years, and found that people with a lot of stress had a 43% increased risk of dying — but only if they believed stress was harmful. On the other hand, those who had a lot of stress, but didn’t see it as harmful, did not have this increased risk.

2. Your level of life-satisfaction may affect bone density.

A study out of Finland followed women over the age of 60 for 10 years, and asked them to report on their level of life satisfaction. The researchers found that while all women experienced an average 4% decrease in bone density during the duration of the study, there was a 52% difference in bone density loss between those who reported the highest levels of satisfaction versus the lowest levels. In addition, for those whose life satisfaction decreased during the 10 years, their bone density decreased 85% more than those whose satisfaction increased.

3. Positive thinking can increase your immunity to the common cold.

In another study, researchers interviewed participants over three weeks to assess the degree to which they had a positive emotional style. Then, subjects were given a nasal spray of rhinovirus (the cold germ) to see how their bodies would respond. Researchers found that those who had a positive emotional outlook were three times less likely to get a cold than those who had low levels of positive emotions. Interestingly, in a later study, these same researchers found that high levels of stress make it more difficult for the body to regulate the inflammatory response.

4. Optimism is literally good for your heart.

There is a wealth of research about the positive link between optimism and heart health. For example, cultivating optimism and hopefulness is linked to decreased risk of heart attack and stroke. In addition, patients who had heart attacks and were optimistic about their treatment were more likely to be alive 15 years later as compared to those who were less optimistic and hopeful (even with the same severity of illness).

Also, in a recent study of more than 5,000 adults, researchers found that the most optimistic individuals are twice as likely to have ideal cardiovascular health markers (as measured by a variety of factors, including blood pressure, body mass index, fasting plasma glucose and serum cholesterol levels and others) compared to those who are pessimistic.

These findings are just the tip of the iceberg in terms of this growing field of research, but they point to the importance of making sure not to just focus on nutrition and exercise as part of your self-care regimen. To enjoy optimal health, it’s essential to develop an optimistic outlook and engage in happiness-boosting activities each and every day. Your mind and your body will thank you.

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Questions To Ask Yourself When You Feel Intense Anxiety

Anxiety is often caused by unhealthy thought patterns, worries, and stress. However, sometimes that uncomfortable, distressful, and at times panic-inducing experience has little to do with what we’re thinking, and more to do our biochemistry or what we just ate. Sometimes, it doesn’t matter how much we “talk it out” because our anxiety has little to do with what our thoughts and more to do with these other culprits.

If you ‘re feeling anxious and can’t chalk it up to worry, ask yourself these questions:

1. Did you just have caffeine, sugar, or MSG?

All of the above can increase heart rate and cause hyperarousal and feelings of anxiety in some individuals. Pay attention to labels, and notice if your body reacts to certain foods or drinks containing such ingredients. I, for example, am not generally affected by caffeine (although my colleague’s anxiety skyrockets if she drinks it), but if I order Chinese and forget to make sure there’s no MSG, I’m up all night with heart palpitations and catastrophic thoughts. Check out this link for hidden sources of MSG.

2. Could hormones have something to do with it?

After deciding to cease oral contraceptives after a decade, I experienced a serious hormonal imbalance that mimicked menopause. Hot flashes, night sweats, heart palpitations, and cognitive and physical anxiety were present a good part of my days. After seeing my naturopath and working toward balancing my hormones, I noticed a significant improvement and felt calm (although anxiety still worsens for me at certain times in my cycle). If you’re feeling anxious or depressed and can’t pinpoint why, it might have to do with fluctuating or unbalanced hormones.

3. Are you fatigued or getting sick?

Low energy, foggy brain, and a general sense of malaise contributes to anxiety in a couple of ways: 1) it creates a stress reaction as your body tries to fight illness, and 2) your cognitive functioning is affected, often resulting in feeling anxious, unfocused, and indecisive. Remember to lower your expectations for yourself in this case, especially for tasks involving cognitive performance.

4. Did you have a few too many glasses of wine last night?

I met a friend in Nicaragua who described his experience of “The Scaries” after we imbibed too much the night before. Before that, I thought I was the only one who experienced feelings of depression and anxiety as byproducts of a hangover (why do we drink again?). Alcohol messes with our nervous system and neurotransmitter levels, which can cause anxiety (or “The Scaries”).

5. What’s the state of your gut bacteria?

Growing evidence is revealing a connection between gut bacteria and anxiety. This is thought to be due to the vagus nerve, which connects the gut to the brain. Take your probiotics and be mindful of food intolerances! Many people have no idea of the brain-gut connection, or that their diet could be contributing to their experience of anxiety.

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Do You Have OCD?

The word “OCD” is thrown around casually to describe a person who is organised or cleans frequently, but obsessive-compulsive disorder is actually a serious anxiety disorder and should be treated as such.

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is an anxiety disorder characterised by intrusive and unreasonable thoughts and fears that produce repetitive acts or rituals aimed to reduce anxiety. These repetitive behaviours are called compulsions.

OCD typically involves having both compulsions and obsessions. Distress, apprehensions and irrational fears cause these obsessions and compulsions.

A person suffering from OCD has to carry out a compulsion to feel less anxious. If the compulsion (like repeatedly washing hands) is not carried out, they feel severely nervous. The inability to break from these compulsions can cause depression, too.

The most common obsessions include fears about contamination from dirt and germs, fear of carrying out violent thoughts, irrational thoughts of self-harm or harming others – particularly loved ones, craving order, fears for safety, and inability or unwillingness to let go of worn out objects (hoarding).

Obsessions are usually recurrent, involuntary, distressing and hard to control. Although most of us occasionally have some of these thoughts, people suffering from OCD are unable to dismiss them.

Here’s how you can tell if your OCD tendencies are symptoms that might require professional help:

Excessive hand-washing

If you’re hooked on hand sanitiser and compulsively wash your hands, it could be a symptom of OCD. This urge is caused by a fear of dirt and germs, but could also stem from a fear of contaminating others or of being tainted or depraved. If you are worried about germs even after you’ve washed your hands, or unreasonably fear contracting diseases from unlikely places, you could be carrying out a compulsion.


Performing a job or chore in accordance with a numeric pattern or counting while doing everyday actions (like counting steps or passing cars) could be a symptom of OCD. Many of these behaviours are caused by superstitions. Seek help if you can’t stop counting and get the numbers out of your head.

 Excessive organisation

Obsessions with order and symmetry while organising personal belongings may be a sign that it’s a compulsion. Seek help if you compulsively organise your desk or other spaces only to relieve anxiety.

Checking behaviour

If you are compelled to perform a checking ritual – returning multiple times to check if your front door is locked, or if the knobs on your stove are off – it could be a compulsion.

Other compulsions include overzealous cleaning, touching objects while passing them, measuring, fears of violence, overthinking in relationships, and repeating certain tasks to relieve stress.

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How Being Generous Boosts Longevity

Studies have suggested that volunteering and helping is associated with a reduced risk of mortality.

The euphoric feeling you feel after an act of generosity or kindness is known as a “helpers’ high”. This feeling is followed by a phase of calmness and is a positive addiction. After a genuine act of generosity, your brain releases feel-good chemicals that reduce stress and perk up your immune system. These endorphins improve emotional well-being and feelings of self-worth.

Here are some of the physical and mental benefits of being generous:

 It helps you live longer

Helping a family member or partner with small chores may boost your longevity. A study showed that married couples over the age of 65 that helped each other with transportation, household chores, shopping, errands or other tasks were approximately half as likely to die over the next five years than those couples who didn’t offer help.

It helps reduce stress A study has shown that stingy behaviour increases stress. Not sharing your wealth increases levels of the stress hormone cortisol in the body. Hoarding money results in long-term stress and misery.

Helping people, especially strangers, causes your body to release oxytocin, which is the love hormone. This hormone increases social trust and helps you feel tranquil, while lowering your stress levels. This is probably one of the reasons why generosity boosts longevity.

It helps lower blood pressure A study found that people who lend support to people within their social groups had lower blood pressure and arterial pressure than those that didn’t offer social support. The study also found that the people who did offer social support also received it in return. It lowers the risk of depression and boosts your mood Research shows that volunteering and donating feels as good as receiving help. People whose spouses have died recover from depression if they help others deal with their loss. Providing care and assistance strengthens the emotional health of someone who has faced a tragedy. People who have struggled with trauma or addiction begin to heal emotionally if they help other people with similar problems. It improves confidence and self-esteem, and alleviates the symptoms of depression. When people attempt to be generous, the body releases feel-good chemicals such as dopamine, which has a relaxing effect. The body may also release serotonin, a neurotransmitter that is used to treat depression. The helper’s high is basically a mood elevation and causes you to feel happy and peaceful.

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The Hormones of Happiness and How to Increase Them

All of your feelings and emotions are a result of chemical reactions taking place in your body. These reactions are responsible for making you feel negative emotions, like anger and sadness, as well as positive emotions, like love and happiness. Read on to find out what your happy hormones are and how you can increase them.

Endorphins are your body’s natural painkillers, since they block pain. Most people are aware of the fact that exercise releases endorphins, but they don’t realise the reason for this. Way back in the stone ages, endorphins were important to our ancestors because they enabled them to keep running through the pain and escape predators. Today, we don’t need to escape predators anymore, so we only produce endorphins when we perform anaerobic exercise, since endorphins help us to keep going even after we deplete our oxygen stores.

Ways to increase your endorphin levels: 

• Exercise to cope with chronic pain.
• Eat spicy food, since your tongue has receptors that react to spice by sending messages to your brain that are similar to pain signals, causing your brain to trigger the release of endorphins.

Serotonin is the key hormone of happiness, since it regulates mood, prevents depression, thwarts irritation and makes you happy and sociable.

Ways to increase your serotonin levels: 

• Spend time in the sun, since sunlight causes your body to produce Vitamin D, which triggers the release of serotonin.
• Think happy thoughts, since your brain produces serotonin when you remember happy memories or think about things that make you happy.
• Consume foods like milk and corn, since they contain tryptophan, a substance that your body converts to serotonin. Other carbohydrates also contain tryptophan.
• Do a low-intensity workout, since your body produces serotonin when it is performing aerobic exercise, as opposed to the endorphins it produces during anaerobic exercise.

Dopamine is a pleasure hormone that is released when you strive towards a goal. Dopamine motivates you to work hard so that you can achieve the satisfaction of reaching that goal. It also keeps you mentally alert and helps you focus.

Ways to increase your dopamine levels: 
• Set daily or monthly goals, since they give you something to strive towards.
• Set exercise goals, since dopamine increases in tandem with serotonin and endorphins when you exercise. Setting goals will increase the production of dopamine even more.
• Eat foods that are rich in protein.

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Tips To Boost Your Brain Power

Whether you want to study better for a test or just stop forgetting your keys everywhere, follow these simple tips to boost your brainpower. Over time, most people start to become a little scatterbrained, but these tips will help you improve your brain function and prevent cognitive decline, keeping your mind sharp for years to come.

Draw pictures

Most of us tend to think of drawing as an activity only for children, but it is actually pretty useful for adults too. Drawing stimulates the right hemisphere of your brain and boosts your creativity.

Take fish oil

Fish oil contains several ingredients that literally build the membranes of your brain. Consuming it regularly helps improve your focus, strengthen the emotional centre of your brain and increase your overall brain function.

Eat nuts

Studies have proven that eating nuts improves brain function considerably, to the extent that students who eat them right before their exam do much better than those who don’t.


Meditation activates your prefrontal cortex, enabling you to think and perform better. It also improves your IQ and lowers your stress levels.

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Tips for beating depression

If one wishes to recover from depression, they need to take action. However, it is a Catch-22 situation when one does not wish to take any steps in order to get out of the depression for being in a depressed state of mind. When one is depressed they do not want to think of the things that they need to do. Even if they realise the need to take action, even getting up and taking a bath, eating food or meeting friends seem like an effort for them. The activities that can help one to get out of depression are the things that one finds most difficult to do. However, as such things are not impossible, one needs to culminate the energy and the motivation to do the following simple activities which will help one to get out of depression.

Cultivating Supportive Relationships

The first step that needs to be taken in order to recover from depression is to start off with small goals. As one starts with small goals and achieves them, they will slowly build from there. Even if one feels exhausted, they can take a short walk round the block or make a phone call to feel better. In order to get out of depression it is important to cultivate supportive relationships. It is very difficult to get out of a depressive state if one is alone. Getting social support plays a great role in helping to lift the fog of depression. Often, one may feel ashamed, guilty or not emotionally ready to face friends and family members and to talk about what happened. One needs to realise that such feelings are the direct effects of depression and one needs the support of loved ones to get out of such a state.

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Dreams are your emotions in your subconscious mind.

John Lennon once said –
“I believe in everything until it’s disproved. So I believe in fairies, the myths, dragons. It all exists, even if it’s in your mind. Who’s to say that dreams and nightmares aren’t as real as the here and now?”
Dr Maharaja Siva Subramanian was the guest on the show today and he started by saying – “Its good to get dreams and nightmares now and then. There’s not a night where I do not get dreams or a nightmare.”
There are certain dreams which are happy and most often what we want to happen in our lives manifests as a dream. Some makes us feel bad and low, and give us negative energy. That is also a dream but since its negative it could be called a nightmare.
All our dreams and nightmares are to do with ourself . They are not random. They are something to do with your emotions and behaviours. Some associations are formed in your mind. Dreams could be a way of venting out feelings that are hidden in your mind and that have gone unexpressed.
Dreams are your emotions in your subconscious mind.
Take on your nightmares !
Dr Maharaja has 40 different professions. He said ” I was always interested in living up to my potential. If my work adds value to people I’ll do that.Many of my companies started just over night. Many of the meetings were in the night and the next day morning I would start a new venture. The weirdest profession I have done is being a mechanic. I equipped myself by just observing what the others did. I have also been a technical writer.”
A caller asked if it is possible to control one’s own dreams as in can we control the subject of our dreams,
Dr Maharaja said – Yes it can be done.. He induces his dreams quite often he said. “I choose to have good or bad dreams depending on the next day. It is very much possible to influence your dreams; but not control it!
Another caller asks if when your dreams come during the day time.. it becomes true. Is that a myth?
It’s all about what you feel. It’s just a motivational force! Dr M says that his night dreams come true and he lets his negative dreams out during the day.
Jane asks if anyone suffering from any illness .. Does hypnoses help?
Dr M says yes it is possible.. Inducing someone is as easy as switching on a tube light.
There are many people who will be able to understand what your dreams mean and signify. They need a deep level of thinking and will be able to explain what the dream means and give a meaning to the dream.
Jane says it’s good to sleep over the dreams and not think about it too much. If you have any problems .. your dreams will help you come up with an answer for it.

If you don’t have a pet, maybe it’s time you did!

RJ Jane introduced the topic saying – “Whatever tension is there around at home with the family, when you see your pet it eases your tension! You feel much better around them. Even Cancer patients enjoy being around pets since it makes them feel happy! They are like your 3rd child at home! Pets improve the Holistic life for everybody!”
Today’s guest on the show was Shravan, founder of ‘Hotel for Dogs’!
Shravan recalls a quote-  “We can judge the heart of a man by his treatment to his dogs and pets.”
Apart from being a cricketer, Shravan started working with snakes and crocs from the age of 6 and has always had a number of pets at home. He said he was always fascinated about animals and  watched channels like Animal Planet / NatGeo as a kid . His whole family is into animal conservation.  Hotel for Dogs started because when he was young,  he had to leave his pet at a boarding lodge and  when he came back from his holiday his dog was full of ticks and didn’t look happy at all. This sparked the concept.
Studies show that kids who grow up with dogs have a better immune system.  Having a pet is a responsibility and if you can’t do that, one should not think of keeping a pet.
Shravan grew up with 6-8 dogs at the same time. He feels that people who have dogs are more compassionate to others than the ones who don’t. Having pets increases your empathy as well. When you see happiness in your pet .. you feel happy as well. The bond between a pet and a human is eternal ! Pets get you a lot of exercise and can get you healthy !
RJ Jane was unhappy that pets are not allowed in many apartments and was hoping that would change soon. Shravan said – Legally, No one can stop you from having a pet at home, even if you are in a rented apartment.
Shravan says – A friend of mine who is differently abled, has a pet dog, a little aggressive breed. but the dog is always gentle and calm next to him. He doesn’t let anyone other than his mother and his friends go near his friend! The dog protects him really well!
Regardless of whether you are going thru’ failure or success in your life, your pet will always treat you the same! It is not the same case with humans.
Elders or people with Alzheimer’s can have a pet! It will help them cope up with their life and make them feel much better. Researchers have said that those who had a pet, have fewer number of doctor visits than those who didn’t have pets.
People from all over the world who have left their dogs with us ( Hotel for Dogs) when they go on a holiday, call us and say they want to  talk to their dog. So dogs create such a bonding with their owners.
A caller shares her experience- My dog passed away a few days back, My dog gave me unconditional love, and was always there for me whatever happened. She gave me that appreciation that I didnt look for for from anyone else !
A big thumbs up for all the pets who influence your life !
Shravan ended by saying that one should definitely get a dog! It will change your life ! Adopt a dog – because they also need a house and love! You will change your life and their life! Get a dog, and you will get 10 times more than what you invest on them !
Picture Credit: Hotel for dogs
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