Mental Well-Being

Are you in a codependent relationship?


Do you find yourself making lots of sacrifices for your partner’s happiness, but feel that your partner doesn’t do the same?

If this kind of one-sided pattern sounds like yours, you may be in a codependent relationship. But don’t worry, there are lots of ways to fix a codependent relationship to get your relationship back on track.

What is a codependent relationship?

Experts say it’s a behavioural pattern in which you find yourself dependent on approval from someone else for your self-worth and identity. One key sign is when you feel that your life’s purpose wraps around making extreme sacrifices to satisfy your partner’s needs, or when one or both parties are dependant on each other for fulfilment.


 How to find out if you’re in a Codependent Relationship


These signs may mean that you might be in a codependent relationship:

  • If you are unable to find satisfaction in your life outside of your partner
  • If you recognize unhealthy behaviors in your partner and yet stay with him or her
  • If you are supporting your partner at the cost of your own mental, emotional, and physical health
  • If you try to avoid arguments


If you find these signs in your relationship, you need to find a way and save your relationship for it to sustain in the long run.

Impact of a Codependent Relationship


Giving up your own needs and identity to meet the needs of a partner has unhealthy short-term and long-term consequences.

There is a possibility that you can become burned out, exhausted, and begin to neglect other important relationships. If you encourage a codependent relationship, it means that you are promoting the other person’s dysfunctions when in fact, you can prevent them from learning common and basic life lessons.

How to Fix a Codependent Relationship


To fix a codependent relationship, it’s important to set boundaries and find happiness as an individual. It is advisable that partners talk about and set relationship goals that satisfy the both of them.

It’s also important to spend time with relatives, friends, and family to broaden the circle of support, and find hobbies of your own. Separation from each other for certain periods of time will help create a healthy dependence on one another.

You’ll know you’re on track when you feel you are adopting the following traits:

  • Nurture your own needs and desires that will help you develop a connection to your inner world.
  • See yourself as independent,  smart, and capable.
  • Say goodbye to unhealthy behaviour.

Awareness, change, and growth are necessary for you and for your partner to overcome unhealthy relationship habits.


What can cause sudden speech problems?

We are a society based on shared experiences and social mingling; talking forms a large part of this. And it is often something that we don’t consciously think about. A lot of adults face minor speech issues that can build up over time, it can start out as a simple slur or mixing up of words.


Here are a few reasons why this happens.


#1 Do You Suffer From Migraines?



Transient Aphasia, or slurring and loss of words, can be off-set by migraines.


Migraines can be very painful and take a toll on ones physical and mental health, sometimes evening leading to changes in the senses. For around 25% of people suffering from this condition, auras are commonplace; where they see flashing lights and have blind spots. A side effect of this phase can also be difficulty in speaking, due to the resulting numbness, dizziness and confusion.


While the exact cause of migraines isn’t always fully clear, and mostly varies depending on the person, the symptoms can be prevented and treated. Making changes to your lifestyle and diet, along with taking prescription medication and vitamins can help.


#2 Are You Constantly Stressed or Tired?

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Fatigue can make it hard to form thoughts and as a result, may play a part in sudden speech difficulties. A stressed mind is tired and clouded, especially in situations where we are worried about being judged or feeling embarrassed. Stumbling over your words and dry mouth are also caused by anxiety, especially in social situations.


It is essential to take the pressure off yourself. There is no need to be perfect all the time and it is ok to be nervous. Taking steps towards your self-care via therapy, support groups or just opening up to a friend or relative may go a long way in making you feel better.


#3 Have You Had Too Much to Drink?



Alcohol slows down the brain, causing slurred speech. A lot of people attribute this to a momentary side effect, but over time, this slurred speech crops up even when you haven’t had a drink. This is due to the side effects of large quantities of Alcohol on your brains.


Moderation is key when it comes to Alcohol. Talk to your friends, family and doctor if you are concerned about your drinking.


Now that you a few potential causes for speech problems, keep a look out for early signs. Whether it is for you or a friend, early detection can always help you prevent things from getting worse. Have you noticed any other factors that lead to speech problems? Let us know in the comments below!

4 Ways to become the Parent and Role Model your Kids really need

You don’t have to be a “perfect” parent to raise happy, healthy, well-adjusted children.

But you do need to think about what your kids need.


Kids need love. Kids need boundaries. Kids need someone to look up to and learn from- a role model!


If you want to be a role model for your child, it means taking a close, honest look at how you live your own life. If you’re ready to step up to the plate, here are a few ways to lead by example:



Check in with yourself

Evaluate your own behaviour – this can be healthy for your child to see and hear you do too.


Am I watching too much TV?

I need to stop eating cheese and make better health choices!

Yesterday I felt too angry, I need to learn how to stay calm!


Invite your children in the conversation and ask them if they want to improve as well.


Be your best self

When it comes to your kids, they pay attention to everything you say and do, and they imitate your words and actions. They get influenced very easily, so always be your best self.


Be Attentive

As your child gets older, he or she will naturally push for more independence.

‘Mom, don’t come into my room.’


Even if your children find it annoying, make sure to be attentive and ensure they are fine.


Enforce consequences when your child has done something wrong

So many parents are hesitant to enforce consequences when a kid breaks a rule, but it is very essential to do so. When your child does something unacceptable, you must implement an appropriate consequence. Eg. If you don’t take granny for a walk,  you can’t go to the playground.


No matter how old your kids are, it’s never too late to be a role model for them. If you want to be a good role model for your children, then you’re already on the right track. Hopefully, some of our tips can help you along the way!

Drawing a picture


Have any other tips? Let us know what has worked for you by commenting below!



Tired all the time? It’s likely adrenal fatigue

Do you wake up feeling tired? Do you feel that you need your morning cuppa to help you keep going? You could be suffering from adrenal fatigue that affects millions of people.

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What is adrenal fatigue?


Adrenals are walnut sized glands located on top of the kidneys. Don’t go by their size; they look small but they have a big job. They are responsible for secreting hormones necessary for life, including epinephrine (adrenaline), cortisol, DHEA, estrogen and testosterone.


Adrenal fatigue is a stress- related condition that results in symptoms like  exhaustion, weakened immunity, sleep disturbances, and food cravings.


How would you identify adrenal fatigue?


Take a look at the symptoms associated with adrenal fatigue, and check how many of them apply to you.


After you have read them, you can learn how to treat this condition.


Symptoms of adrenal fatigue


  • If you have difficulty waking up in the morning; even after a long sleep
  • If you experience high levels of fatigue -almost everyday
  • If the slightest amount of stress leaves you feeling overwhelmed
  • If you crave salty foods
  • If you feel energetic at the end of the day
  • If you tend to overuse sugar and caffeine
  • A weakened immune system
  • If you develop dark circles under the eyes
  • If you experience frequent urination
  • Low blood pressure
  • Low sex drive
  • Joint pain and lower back pain


How to treat or prevent adrenal fatigue?


  • Follow a balanced diet

An adequate supply of nutrients are essential to keep your mind and body healthy. Eat at right times and include proteins, low GI foods and healthy fats in your diet. Include seafoods, organic meats, eggs, olive oil, and nuts and seeds in your diet.


  • Try some mind-body exercises like meditation

Regular practice improves your ability to respond to stress in the future


  • Get better sleep

De-stress before bed and follow your natural sleeping pattern. Avoid taking caffeine before bed. Make sure you have good sleep (at least 7-8 hours) to keep you going the next day.


Healing adrenal fatigue may take months depending upon its severity.  By tending to the adrenals through diet, supplementation, lifestyle adjustments, and stress reduction, adrenal health can be restored. It is advised to get it treated by an expert if the condition is severe.


The surprising health benefits of arguing!


Could arguments actually be good for your health? Well, that seems to be the case! Let’s see what science has to say about it.


It has been proven that relationships with no conflict are the least healthy. Most often these typical ‘no-conflict’ relationships end with a whisper.


Growth in a relationship arises when there is disappointment. Disappointments arise when there are discrepancies between expectation and outcome. Though it is true that most of the time, your expectations will be met– sometimes they won’t be. When the latter happens, conflict occurs.

It can be very destructive if you fight dirty because you’re destroying each other’s trust, respect and confidence. When you fight in ways which are constructive, you’re literally constructing and building trust, confidence and encouraging real acceptance.


Here’s are a list of reasons why it is sometimes ok to fight.. in constructive ways!


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Fighting renews courtship



When disappointment or conflict occurs, apologies are often (i.e. pretty much always) in order.  A solid apology comes with feelings of warmth and connection. While you are in the apology process, you reaffirm all the qualities you appreciate about your partner. If the apology is really on point, your partner will open up to you and help you become aware of how your choices impact them.

Boosts confidence in handling stress together



The best team building exercises are built around stress. Not coincidentally, what occurs next is creative problem solving, in which some next level of bonding takes place. It is an assurance that will take you to the next level of bonding.


Provides an opportunity to be deeply known and understood



These hot-button issues more commonly arise during sensitive moments – moments of hurt, moments of disappointment. If something has bothered you, there’s an opportunity to explain why it bothered you. It is an opportunity for both of you to be understood by each other.


Arguments are about listening as much as they are about speaking. At the end of the day arguing is one of best tools for a healthy relationship. Just remember that not every argument is worth having- be wise!



Does stress cause grey hair?

Have you ever looked at photos of a president? Any president?


At the beginning and the end of their terms, have you noticed something common in all of them? — They have gone grey, haven’t they?

Part of this could be due to ageing. But could it also be due to stress? Are the two related? Let’s find out!


What causes grey hair?


As hair grows, a group of cells called melanocytes creates melanin that comes in two colors — dark brown or black (eumelanin), and yellow or red (pheomelanin) — and combines to create our hair colors.

If melanin does not get delivered to your hair, it triggers the growth of grey hair.


Does stress also cause grey hair?

Greying of hair normally happens due to ageing. The rate of this progression is largely influenced by genetics and inheritance.


However, another major cause for the onset of grey hair is due to stress. Stress hormones can impact melanocytes and as a result melanin will not deliver pigment to your hair. Stress is likely to cause hair fall and hair damage as well. Any stressful event in the body is perceived as a burden that includes physical, mental and emotional stress. Anything that interrupts your well-being or causes mental and emotional stress can cause non-pigmentation of your hair shaft.


In addition, a recent study has found that a lack of Vitamin B and the presence of grey hair is correlated. Lack of Vitamin B can be influenced by stress.


How can you prevent the premature growth of grey hair?


  • Stop stressing, start living
  • Oil your hair frequently
  • Follow a healthy balanced diet
  • Quit harsh shampoos
  • Check your thyroid levels


Try these tips to control the premature growth of grey hair and let us know if they worked for you. If you have any tips that you have used to fight grey hair, let us know by commenting below!



How can optimism make a difference in your life?

People who firmly believe that great things will happen, and have an optimistic outlook lead a healthier life. Studies show that optimism can reduce risk of health issues such as heart stroke, respiratory disease, depression and cancer.


In order to stay optimistic, we advise you to exercise more, follow healthier diets and have good quality sleep.


Why should you be optimistic?


A study was conducted in which the scientists studied 70,000 women who took part in a long-term health study. It was observed that the risk of developing any disease was as less as 30% among the most optimistic women compared to the women who were least optimistic.

Beautiful Girl jumping with balloons on the beach

The study found that for the most optimistic women, the risk of developing the following conditions was reduced:

  1. Cancer – 16% lower
  2. Heart disease, stroke or respiratory disease – almost 40% lower
  3. Infections – 52% lower


How can you feel more optimistic?

When you feel healthy and energetic, you will naturally feel more optimistic. When you choose to live a healthy lifestyle, you may open up your heart, mind and life to change and create more energy for important relationships and professional satisfaction.

Write down goals specific to your career, friendships and other areas of life where you can generate a more optimistic outlook for a healthier future. You can also make it a habit to write down acts of kindness you have performed, and thinks you feel grateful for.





How friendships enrich your life and improve your health

Aristotle had said “In poverty and other misfortunes of life, true friends are a sure refuge.”


Good friends are great for your health. They are your support system – they are there for you during hard times, and they are there for you to celebrate the good times. For most of us, our friends are the key to happiness.


Let’s celebrate all our friends and remind them how much they mean to us!


Here are five reasons to celebrate your friends:


Friends teach you vital life skills

Friends make you happier, help you get to know yourself better, and motivate and inspire you to reach your goals.


Childhood friendships start your learning process

Childhood friendships play an important role in our developmental process. A good friend can help teach you important life skills including trust, loyalty, and caring.



We turn to friends when we are stressed

Isn’t this true for most of us? We turn to friends to seek out social support – especially when we are troubled, worried or stressed.



Our friends help us feel optimistic

Friends provide daily social support which is a key factor in feeling optimistic. Optimism, in turn, increases our satisfaction with life and lowers risk of depression.


Friendships improve our health

For most of us, our friends are our support system. If we are feeling anxious or upset, their social support can help ward off depression. For people who are generally lonely, it is quite possible that they develop a higher blood pressure and other risk factors for heart disease. They’re more likely to “give up” or “quit trying” to deal with a stressor.


The baseline is that friends make us happier. You need them and they need you.  It doesn’t take much time to cultivate these bonds, but it does take some effort.  Your effort will clearly pay off in helping you lead a more fulfilling life.





What is sleep hygiene and why is it important?

Sleep hygiene is a combination of different practices and habits which are important to be able to get a good night’s sleep, and ensure full daytime alertness. Good sleep hygiene can improve the quality and quantity of sleep you get.


Sleep hygiene takes into account what you do during the day and the night, how much exercise you get, how organized you are, how you manage stress and what you put into your body.


Recommended sleep

Experts from the National Sleep Foundation have recommended sleep ranges for all age groups:


  • Newborns (0-3 months): 14-17 hours each day
  • Infants (4-11 months): 12-15 hours
  • Toddlers (1-2 years): 11-14 hours
  • Preschoolers (3-5): 10-13 hours
  • School age children (6-13): 9-11 hours
  • Teenagers (14-17): 8-10 hours
  • Younger adults (18-25): 7-9 hours
  • Adults (26-64): 7-9 hours
  • Older adults (65+): 7-8 hours


Why is a good sleep hygiene important?

Research has indicated that lack of sleep can result in increased blood pressure, high heart rates and increased risk of diabetes. In addition, inadequate sleep has been linked with increased anxiety, panic attacks, low mood and depression too.


How do you develop good sleep hygiene?

Here’s our guide to what you can do to improve your sleep hygiene:


  • Take naps during the daytime
  • Cut caffeine out of your diet
  • Keep yourself active
  • Get your daily dose of daylight
  • Practice meditation
  • Have a regular sleep routine


What to do if you can’t sleep

If you remain awake for more than 10-15 minutes, try something different. Get out of bed, get comfortable, and try to relax. If you want to, you can listen to some calming music or quietly read a book. Avoid using electrical devices before going to sleep; they’ll make your brain think it’s time to wake up, and can make it much more difficult to get back to sleep.

So start improving your sleep hygiene today. Making the change now can help you in the long run to be more energetic, mentally aware, and stress-free.



EFT: How Tapping & Emotional Freedom Technique Work

All of us do need to find ways to stay more calm and collected. We try to do our best, but most of the time we need that extra something to help us get through the day. No, we’re not talking about coffee or wine. We’re talking about using the Emotional Freedom Technique — commonly known as EFT or “tapping” — to manage stress, anxiety, and more importantly, toddler meltdowns!


What is EFT? (Emotional Freedom Technique)


EFT is a simple, effective technique for managing stress that is natural, totally free, and always available. It is a self-administered, acupressure technique that involves tapping acupressure points on your body with your fingertips, while engaging in self-talk (often out loud). In this way you coach yourself through strong emotions when overwhelmed or stressed and send a signal to your body to calm down.



When to use it?


  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Headaches
  • Acute or chronic pain
  • Increased feeling
  • Athletic pain
  • Stress
  • Food cravings
  • ADHDclose-up-of-a-stressed-young-woman-in-coffee-shop_23-2147837521


Find your EFT tapping points!

Pressure points on the body to tap are:

  • Top of the head
  • Inside point of the eyebrows
  • Side of the head (on the bone under the outside of the eye)
  • Under the eyes/ cheekbones
  • Between the nose and the upper lip
  • On the chin
  • On the collarbone
  • Under the arm (below the armpit)
  • On the inside of both wrists


Stress is often caused by multiple factors, and it’s easy to let it overtake you completely. Next time, take control of your stress with EFT, and let us know if it worked for you. We would love to hear your thoughts!




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