Mental Well-Being

4 lifestyle factors that promote good health in daily life

These days, maintaining a healthy lifestyle can seem difficult among so many activities during the day. We work hard, eat what we can where we can and there is no time to rest, but maintaining a life in balance means organizing your schedules to incorporate these 4 lifestyle factors that promote good health and make you feel full and happy.

Active Lifestyle

A sedentary lifestyle is one of the great evils of our times. In order to maintain a  healthy lifestyle, you should include regular physical activity and exercises in your routine. On the other hand, it also has psychological benefits and improves the quality of life.



 Eating Regular Well-balanced Meals, Including Breakfast

A healthy balanced diet can keep you energetic throughout, lower your risks for the leading killer diseases such as heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, and cancers and also help you maintain a normal weight.


Consuming Alcohol in moderation or Not At All

Moderate alcohol consumption can still lead to lower risk of heart diseases but if alcohol is consumed in high levels, it leads to health and behavioral problems, including an increased risk for high blood pressure, stroke, heart disease, some cancers, accidents or violence.

Getting Adequate Amounts Of Sleep

Getting a regular amount of sleep is important to give your body a chance to restore and regenerate. Sleeping can help regenerate old cells and repair cell damage. Sleeping less than seven hours a night has been shown to have negative effects throughout your body.

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Mood Disorders: How to Recognize and Treat Them

If your emotions and moods seem out of your control over a long period of time, you may have a mood disorder. There are several different types, and all of them can be treated. Knowing the different signs of mood disorders can help you —or someone you know — get the treatment


What is a mood disorder?

Moods are universal. Most of us have them. But mood disorders can be hard to spot, which is why we give you three tell-tales signs to identify mood disorders.

  • Intense Mood Swings
  • Gradual onset (over several weeks or months, not hours or days)
  • Nothing you tried ‘ to snap yourself out of it’ helped.angry-businessman-with-hands-in-his-hair_53419-1261


What are the symptoms?

Persistent sadness is a common and a recognizable symptom. Other symptoms include excessive irritability, weight gain or weight loss, disrupted sleep and very low energy.



Is there a cure to mood disorders?

There could be numerous causes of depression and most cases respond well to medication. But remember that medication is never the only way. When people get depressed, they start to think differently – this is where therapy comes in, in particular cognitive behavioural therapy helps patients recognize distorted thinking patterns and tries to get them like how they were before.



Don’t be afraid to admit if you are struggling with a mood disorder and remember that you not alone. Don’t fear being misunderstood, judged or think that you’ll receive backlash from friends and family.


Call a friend or loved one and admit it today. Although there is momentary discomfort, you will experience freedom in admitting your struggle with depression.



Random acts of kindness that boost self esteem!


Yes, random acts of kindness can boost your self-esteem. Make it a habit to do at least one kind deed every day – however small it may be – so that you can reflect at the end of the day and feel content that you made somebody’s day a little better.

#SliceOfHealth lists some random acts of kindness that you can try out.


1.Compliment Someone


Saying nice things to people, complimenting them can really brighten up their day.There is an added bonus to complimenting someone- it makes you feel good to say something nice to someone. It could be to anybody: your family or friends, your partner, a colleague, an acquaintance, or a complete stranger; it doesn’t matter who it is.. You could compliment a person on what they are wearing, their new haircut, your favorite qualities about them, and so on.


2. Buy a thoughtful gift for someone you care about:

You don’t have to wait for a special occasion to show someone that they immensely matter to you. Think about that person’s likes, interests, hobbies, and passions, and if you randomly think of something or see something you know they would like or need,surprise them with a gift!

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3. Offer help in any way you can.

Don’t all of us struggle in all different kind of ways? But a lot of the time we tell ourselves it’s none of our business and keep our heads down. And that just doesn’t seem right. If someone is struggling with heavy bags, you could help carry them. If someone looks lost, ask if they need directions. Talk to an elderly people if they seem lonely because unfortunately, we tend to ignore those the most who suffer the most.



Thoughtful acts make you a thoughtful person, and it’s a great way to help you feel better about yourself. Plan to do one kind act everyday, for the sake of others and for your own sake.


5 non-confrontational ways to convey your emotional needs

There is nothing wrong with having needs and wanting to have them met. Be it emotional, physical, or mental, everyone deserves to be with a partner who understands their needs. Reluctance to discuss these needs puts strain on a relationship and can cause permanent damage.  

The simple trick is to talk. Communicate your feelings and pave the way for a healthy relationship. Here are five non–confrontational methods that will help you get your emotional desires met.

1.If you want to bring a change in your partners behaviour, get good at making observations. Be prepared to discuss your thoughts as openly as possible with your partner with all the kindness you can muster.  


2. Ask yourself what you need. Do you want a change? Do you want to be understood better? Whatever your need is, asking for it directly will greatly improve your chances of getting it. If your partner doesn’t know what you need or if you expect him or her to read your mind no changes can happen.

3. Tell your partner what you want, not what you don’t want. Be honest, be clear and be kind. By letting your partner know exactly what you want it will make his or her job much easier.


4. Greatly value the contribution your partner has made to your life. If someone feels valued he or she will do the best they can to keep you happy. Reminding your mate that you know your life is better because he or she is in it is very encouraging and very loving.

5. Balance is key to maintaining an emotionally fit relationship. Even though things may not be exactly as you would like them, feeling that life with your mate is balanced will help you to maintain a loving environment.


It can be a hard thing to find balance in relationships but it is one of the most important acts we can strive for to make it work. Hope these tips will heal your love life and make your relationship feel magical.




Is your ‘Me Time’ really healthy?


Me time is a very important part of everyone’s life. Its a time to focus on yourself, and take a break to mentally relax and escape the stress of everyday life. Me time can be extremely beneficial to your mental health, and can significantly boost your productivity. However it is important to know the difference between healthy ‘me time’ and indicators of depression.  


Though isolation can contribute to your happiness and health, it can also be dangerous for people suffering from mental illness. Isolation often encourages cyclical thoughts, and can keep us from recognizing love in our lives.



So how does one tell the difference?


Sometimes people use time to themselves as an excuse to avoid situations and keep from facing their problems upfront. Though it is important to approach your problems with a steady head, you should always make sure that they are addressed and not avoided.


Sometimes people say they prefer to be alone, as they feel their presence is a burden on their friends and family, but many times this is not the case. Our emotions can cloud our judgement and cause us to feel this way, but it is important to remember that our loved ones are always there for us.


‘Me time’ should be used efficiently. This doesn’t mean that you should meticulously plan out a ‘to-do’ list for this period, but you should ensure that you are focused on what you need at that time. If it is relaxation, then make sure you spend the time doing something that truly relaxes you – whether that is watching a movie, going for a walk or reading a book.



So, how do you know you are spending your ‘me time’ the right way? Focus on how you feel afterwards – are you recharged, energized and revitalized, or do you find yourself feeling exhausted? These may be indications that you need to make a shift in the way you are spending your time.


There is not a single solution for everybody, so it is up to you to decide what works best for your mental state.

Let’s talk about men’s mental health!

Young boys are so used to hearing phrases like ‘be a man’ or ‘don’t cry like a girl’. But depression doesn’t discriminate between men and women – it affects everyone, and it’s time we talked about it.


Untreated depression has emerged as an underlying condition in many cases of suicide. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), men are 3-4 times more likely to commit suicide than women. So let’s first learn how to notice depression in men, because the signs and symptoms may vary between men and women.


Depression in men commonly manifests in the following ways:


Feelings of anger, irritability or aggressiveness 

Many women show signs of depression with sadness, but men in depression often display aggressive behavior. If you notice a friend frequently acting more irritable than usual, make sure you address it and if necessary, point them in the direction of help.



Changes in sleep patterns

This can go either way – men suffering from depression either have a hard time sleeping or sleep more than usual.



Losing interest

If someone you know seems to be losing interest in things like work, family, friends, sex, or other activities they once enjoyed, they may be suffering from depression


Take part in high-risk activities

Research suggests that there is direct correlation between depression in men and over dependence on drugs and alcohol





Many men will experience only a few of these symptoms, but it is important to recognize them when you see it. Depression is a serious issue, and must be professionally addressed at the earliest. So make sure your loved ones are in good care by always keeping a close look out for these symptoms.

How to start your own backyard garden?

Gardening used to be a normal part of life for most people. Not so many generations ago, neighbors exchanged freshly produced fruits and vegetables over fences and most of them knew their local farmer. Maybe you can bring back gardening?

Gardening for Beginners: How to Get Started

The thought of a garden can be amusing.There are so many options of what to buy, when and how to plant, and not to mention how to keep it all alive!


Decide What to Grow

It is wise to grow foods that:

(a) we consume the most

(b) are the most expensive to buy organical



Prepare the Garden

Make sure you get good quality soil, organic fertilizers, and enough sun and water (with a planned irrigation technique). Also, using organic pest control methods are recommended.


Make the most of your space

Stick with planting or sowing the seeds in rows and make sure you get the most production from small spaces. (Use a home-made compost kit to give your garden a boost)


Enjoy your organic garden

Knowing where your food supply comes from (and what wasn’t sprayed on it!) is finally so satisfying. The small investment of time and effort you put in will definitely be worth it.


Plenty of what you plant will grow, and nothing beats picking your own fresh produce from your own backyard garden. It tastes amazingly better and  different from what’s found in the store and what’s more, your kids will be excited to munch on their own garden produce.


How the modern world is making you anxious?


Did you know that the right amount of anxiety actually helps you? Yes! It does.

But are we maintaining it at the right levels?

Every one of us deals with stress and anxiety on a regular basis in our daily life but we don’t consider getting help hence our brain gets wired for anxiety and this can affect our personal as well as professional lives in long-run. Hence one needs to be aware of the causes of anxiety so that they can either stay away or limit their interaction with such causes.

Ridiculously high standards

People are becoming more and more interested in posting their daily activities on social media and waiting for other’s to appreciate or talk about them. This trend is having a rather nasty effect on people’s self-esteem and is seriously affecting their mental health.


Increasing competition

There is a huge competition in all aspects of life, you’re not going to be relevant in today’s world if you’re not specialized in your relevant field and this constant notion that someone can replace you anytime is making people stressed out and frustrated.


Smart- Technology

Most of us get worried if we don’t find our gadgets or get tensed when they’re not around us. This un-needed attachment to devices brings anxiety and also fear of misusage of data online.


The diversity of people and Information

Due to global village lifestyle, we are required to deal with people and information from all parts of the world. Access to such kind of diversity gives people more chance to learn and hence helps them grow and when there is too much to learn and articulate it becomes stressful and hence leads to anxiety.



3 ways lack of sleep is making you fat

We are all used to lectures on the importance of adequate sleep during the night. It can lead to all kinds of physiological problems including diabetes, heart disease and anxiety. However many of us disregard these reasons because we don’t feel the effects immediately, and therefore don’t give it much importance. Well, maybe this will change your mind – did you know there is a link between how much people weigh and how much sleep they get?


It’s true! A lack of sleep affects your appetite, physical activity and body temperature, and can lead to obesity. So how exactly are they related?

Appetite –

Sleeping and waking up at the right time has an immediate effect on your appetite. If you stay up late watching Netflix, you’re obviously going to be craving a midnight snack. And as far as midnight snacks go, let’s be honest, you’re probably NOT going to make yourself a salad. Breakfast is your most important meal, and you’ll end up skipping that because you slept in… again.


Metabolic System –

Our internal body clock determines your sleep cycle, hormone production and appetite regulation. Inadequate sleep increases levels of gherkin in your body, which is responsible for making you feel hungry. It also decreases levels of leptin, the hormone that tells you you’ve had enough to eat.


Physical Activity –

If you don’t get enough sleep, chances are you won’t have the energy to go for that morning or evening run. So that means your day is only filled up with hours at work at your desk, or at home on your couch.

woman running on morning

So make a change now. The first step to regulating your appetite is to sleep and wake up on time. Do this, and you will see an immediate change in your energy levels. This will help you get in a few hours of exercise every day, helping you maintain your weight and stay happy and healthy!

Practicing self-compassion & why it is important

We all have that nagging voice in the back of our heads that dominate our thoughts, moods and actions. More often than not, we find this voice telling us what we didn’t do, what we don’t have and what we will never achieve. Many of us ignore this voice and push through the day, but what if we told you that you can take control of it instead?


Practising self-compassion can be a path to truly loving and accepting yourself, which is the first step in feeling loved and accepted by others. It’s a better motivator than critical self-talk and is so powerful that it can even rewire your brain to build feelings of calmness, safety, and trust.



So how do you get started?


  1. Observe how you speak to yourself. When you notice self-criticism, stop and think about how a friend might respond to you in that situation. What would you do if the roles were reversed?young-woman-posing-and-imaging_23-2147653640
  2. The next step is to stop yourself when you notice self-criticism. Say something positive about yourself instead, and notice how you feel.funny-girl-celebrating-a-victory_1154-164
  3. Keep a journal, and write in it every day – 2 things you are grateful for, 2 kind statements to yourself, and something small that made you smile that day. Make this a habit, and you’ll start to notice a difference in how you view the world around you.people-hand-writing-notebook-with-gadget_9563-1832
  4. Give yourself a break! When you’re stressed, anxious or worried, just stop and breathe. Take a minute to tell yourself you are doing the best that you can. After all, you’re only human!

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So make the change today. You’ll find yourself happier, more motivated and more empowered to spread love and form bonds with others. Why? Because you deserve it & so does everyone around you.


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