Got 10 Minutes? 3 Fat-Blasting Bodyweight Workouts

You have got 10 minutes after all! We thought so.. Which is why we’ve put together three 10-minute fat blasting workouts that are simple. Choose one today, another tomorrow, and you’ve got an easy way to burn your calories.


Try these three 10 minute workouts:



How to: Everyone’s new favourite exercise… burpees. Stay in a standing position (a). Squat down and put your hands on the floor, about shoulder-width apart (b). Keeping your hands there, jump your feet back to be at the push-up position (c). Next jump your feet back towards your hands (d). Reset your body into the squat position and jump straight up. Once you land, repeat.(e)


2.Bird Dog Crunches

How to: To begin this, keep your hands flat on the ground directly beneath your shoulders (a). While keeping a flat back, reach your right arm out while pushing your left leg back. Think of flexing your left glute and your right shoulder as you fully extend (b). Hold that position for a second before using your core to pull your leg and arm back into

your body so that your right elbow comes close to your left knee (c). Complete 10 reps and then switch sides.(d)


3.Rotational Push-Ups

How to: Start in the push-up-position. Hands should be about shoulder-width apart and make sure your body should be in a perfectly straight line (a). Perform a push-up (b). Then while keeping your feet in place, twist your torso to the right and lift your right arm straight above your body so your left and right arm are in a perfect line (c). Return to starting position. Repeat and alternate your left and right sides (d).