How to Choose Between Yoga & the Gym

Have you always found yourself debating between the two?
It is almost impossible to say which one is better than the other. They say that Yoga is everything your body needs but it is definitely through gymming that you will be able to build your muscles. With yoga one can expect increased flexibility, toning and general relaxation. When you workout at the gym you might end up feeling drained whereas when you do yoga, your mind and body feels rejuvenated. It all narrows down to what suits your lifestyle. Be it yoga or a gym; at the end of the day you should make sure that you don’t give your fitness/wellness classes a miss.
Here are a few quick points that will help you choose between the two:
1. To be honest, if you’re looking at losing weight, gym is more effective than yoga. The results are achieved more quickly in the former.
2. To build muscles and get those packs, hit the gym. 3. For keeping yourself fit in the comfort of your house, yoga is a pocket-friendly option since it doesn’t require costly gym equipment that might also occupy a lot of space.
4. Sometimes, intense gymming may induce hunger and result in you eating more. If you fall under the category of people who binge eat after a good workout session, you should probably just stick to yoga as it doesn’t increase hunger.
5. If you’re looking at intense cardio workouts & sweat inducing sessions that give you a general feeling of awesomeness, go gymming.
6. To get a holistic effect on your body – say yes to Yoga. It gives you a healthy body, peaceful mind and has an overall calming effect.
7. If you’re not a fan of doing strenuous exercises and are looking at reducing your chances of getting injured, we would suggest yoga for you.
8. Some asanas in yoga may require complicated stretching and bending which may not be ideal for everybody. In such cases, it is advisable to look for selected equipment at the gym that is suitable.
9. If you see yourself slouching in front of your office computer everyday, yoga has dedicated asanas for posture improvement.
10. For children and teenagers under 18 and for older people above 60, yoga may be a good option to consider. It also helps improve memory and concentration power in students.
11. To achieve a gradual weight loss that can also be long-lasting, choose yoga! 12. There are specific asanas for specific disorders in the body. So if you are looking at correcting your thyroid problem or metabolic disorders, yoga is all you need.
13. Yoga is the best treatment for many psychological disorders like depression, anxiety, stress, addiction, etc. Research has also proved that people practising yoga have the tendency to live longer.
http://www. versus-gym 11/21/gym-or-yoga-which-one- to-choose/