How to deal with tight Hamstrings
The hamstring is the muscle at the back of your thigh. When you strain it there is a sudden sharp pain in the area that can render you immobile for a couple of minutes. You’re likely to get a hamstring strain during activities that involve a lot of running and jumping. It is common among athletes and individuals who indulge in sports.
Medically, hamstring strains could also be caused due to dehydration, muscle fatigue, poor blood circulation in legs or due to potassium deficiency.
Although mild hamstring strains may not hurt too much, severe ones can be agonizing. The next time that muscle cramps, try out these easy strategies to help ease them.
1. Stretch out the muscle
To stop the pain, gently lengthen the muscle. Stretch the muscle out encouraging it to let it go. Don’t go too fast or hard, or it could tear the muscle.
2. Drink
Grab yourself an isotonic drink. Isotonic drinks delay the fatigue in your muscles and bring up their performance by 20%. Coconut water and fruit juices may also help.
3. Icing the muscle
Ice application can reduce pain caused by a hamstring cramp. It reduces pain by making nerves in the area less sensitive. Wrap ice in a damp towel and apply it to the injured area for 15 to 20 minutes every two to three hours throughout the day.
4.Warming the muscle
Using heat on the muscle cramp may also be an effective way to relax the muscle and alleviate pain. A warm bath and heat rubs on the affected area can also help reduce the pain.
5. Watch your diet
Including enough nutrients in your diet may minimize how often you experience muscle cramps. Bananas and oranges are rich in potassium. Consuming yogurt, milk and other dairy products that are rich in calcium can be highly beneficial.