How To Easily Avoid Colds And The Flu

It’s only January, and colds and coughs are still doing the rounds. Most of us know how to deal with a cold, but wouldn’t it be so much better if we could avoid them altogether?

These are six simple ways you can protect yourself against the notorious rhinovirus.

Method 1: Drinking Tea, Breathing Steam

Simply brew yourself a cup of steaming black or green tea, with lemon (thins mucus) and honey (fights pathogens). Even inhaling the steam can help you beat germs easily.

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Method 2: Precaution And Safety

Public spaces are crawling with germs. Be careful about what you touch, you can contract a cold simply by touching something a sick person touched or sneezed around. Antibacterial wipes are a good solution here.

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Method 3: Try Some Zinc

In a season when colds and the flu are going around, lozenges with zinc do you a world of good. If you feel a slight scratchiness in your throat, start taking these to protect yourself.

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Method 4: Protect Your Nose

Often the first place a cold starts, you can protect your nose using this home remedy. Mix three parts of salt with one spoon of baking soda, and add a spoon of this mixture to a cup of cooled boiled water. Rinse your nose with a bulb syringe to clear it. Simple. Easy. Effective.

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Method 5: Flush Toxins Away

Make sure you drink a lot of fluids; you can drink clean water and juices. Aside from other benefits, these flush your lymph system, washing those germs away.

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Try these 5 simple remedies to ensure that you keep colds away this year!
