Music To Help You Fall Asleep

No, lullabies aren’t only for babies. If you have trouble sleeping, these are the best types of music that will help you drift away, right into dreamland.

Type 1: The Easy Listening Genre

There’s a specific musical genre that is designed to help you unwind, relax, and gently fall asleep. Easy listening tracks are mostly instrumental, and create a light, soft, jazzy ambience—just right for counting sheep!

Type 2: Ambient Sounds (or) Music

More a soundscape than a collection of songs, quiet ambient music is what you’d call relaxing background music. Atmospheric, comfortingly repetitive and without any clanging rhythms, this is the soundtrack to many a siesta.

Type 3: Classical Music

There is a wide range of classical music, available in a number of moods. To help yourself sleep, pick soft classical tunes or collections featuring instruments like the viola, dulcimer, or flutes.

Type 4: Bedtime Stories

Remember when tales of talking animals and birds and other such stories would put you right out when you were a kid? You can listen to bedtime stories narrated by soft-spoken storytellers.

Type 5: Sounds From Nature

You’ll find recordings of calming natural sounds, like  quiet rainfall accompanied by calming harps, strings and wind chimes.

These simple types of music should put you to sleep quite easily. If you still have trouble falling asleep, try professional help. Sleep is vital to good health, after all.
