Outdoor activities that are actually fitness routines

What is the first thing people do when they decide to get fit? Sign up for an exercise class!
You probably think fitness involves spending a lot of money and signing up for expensive gyms or exercise classes. This is far from the truth.
There are so many outdoor activities that can actually be a fun fitness routine!
Whether it is a run on the beach or playing football with your friends – there are so many ways in which you can get fit without it feeling like a chore.
The whole point of fitness is to move and physically exert yourself – posh gym mirrors and fancy equipment are just new age add-ons!
Here are some outdoor activities that can actually be excellent fitness routines.
1. Cycling
Remember when cycling was just about letting your hair down and going around with friends? Your favourite childhood activity can become a trusted fitness routine. Cycling is actually a lot of fun and whether you want to bike to work or choose to set aside some time for cycling, it can be a great way to get fit!
2. Playing a sport
It could be tennis, badminton or cricket – no matter what your favourite sport is it is surely a great way to stay fit. You will not only burn fat and get in shape but you also get to learn a new skill.
3. Hiking
What if you could have fun with your friends or explore new places while still getting fit at the same time? Going on a hike is your best bet! It is an excellent way to build strong legs as you walk your way up while at the same time – it definitely will not feel like exercise!
4. Swimming
Going for a swim is really relaxing and is also a real fun way to stay healthy. Swimming can be a great fitness regime because not only is it great cardio but unlike many other exercises, you don’t lose the motivation to keep at it because it is so much more exciting.
5. Running
Going out for a run not just clears your head and keeps you fresh – it is great exercise! When done regularly and on a consistent basis, it can be an excellent fitness routine. What’s more? All you need is a pair of shoes to get started.
6. Surfing
Surfing is not just a fun activity and an excuse to get outdoors and on the beach – it is also an amazing way to stay in shape. While surfers do look like all they do is relax it is a very physically strenuous activity that can help you stay fit!