Tips To Keep Urinary Incontinence In Control

Urinary incontinence is the involuntary leakage of urine or in other words it is a condition in which a person urinates when they do not want to. Apart from being a really uncomfortable problem that not many people want to talk about, it might surprise you to know that it is really common.

Urinary incontinence is a fairly common problem that is prevalent today and especially so among women. It is a condition that is not only completely treatable but there are also simple things that you can do to keep the condition in check!

Here are a few ways in which you can improve this condition.

Do pelvic exercises
Simple pelvic exercises that involve clenching and un-clenching your pelvic muscles when done during the day (about 40-50) can strengthen these muscles and help improve the condition.


Passing Urine Regularly
Don’t keep holding when you have the urge to urinate – make sure you use the toilet frequently.


Control your caffeine intake
Caffeine makes you urinate more and controlling the intake will help control the condition. Stay away from aerated drinks, coffee, cola or tea!


Stay hydrated
Drinking about 8 glasses of water a day can keep your kidneys and bladder healthy. Apart from having a host of other health benefits, drinking a lot of water can also help control urinary incontinence.


Check your medications
Sometimes, urinary incontinence is a side-effect of another medicine that you might be taking. Ensure you have a discussion with your doctor to see that none of your medications are causing this side effect.


Lose weight if you need to
Obesity is a cause for urinary incontinence. In case you are obese or need to lose some weight, ensure you take the steps to do so.


Stop smoking
In case you are a smoker, try to quit smoking as it can definitely worsen the condition.


Get Medical Help
Many people avoid getting medical help for urinary incontinence because it is embarrassing to talk to your doctor about it – don’t shy away from discussing this as it is very imperative to get the right medical help.



Urinate Slowly
Don’t rush urination – there is a tendency sometimes to urinate fast and not pay enough attention to whether you have emptied your bladder. Ensure you urinate, relax and wait for a bit – do you feel the urge to urinate again? If so, empty your bladder! This helps avoid urinary incontinence.


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