Workout @ Work: 4 Easy Exercises You Can Do At Your Desk

Modern life, especially when we work, revolves around sitting. We work sitting at our desks, we travel seated on cars, buses and trains, and when we get home, we… that’s right, we sit on the couch to unwind and relax.

We need to get up off those chairs, and start moving. Here are 5 simple exercises you can pull off right at your workspace!

Exercise 1: Pushups At The Desk

Teammates left the room for a quick meeting?

Time for desk push ups, where you place your hands a shoulder width apart on the edge of your desk. Then, leaning against your desk, do what you would in a normal pushup.


Exercise 2: Punching An Invisible Opponent

Rock from foot to foot in this fun exercise, and alternatingly punch to the left and right. Don’t fully extend your arms, though; you might end up hurting your elbows that way.

Just don’t use this as an opportunity to settle a workplace score!


Exercise 3: Jump Squats

10 jump squats would burn more calories than any other exercise on this list. They seem deceptively simple—you jump, land, go into a squat, and repeat—but are pretty tough to execute.


Exercise 4: Hamstring Curls

To do a hamstring curl, simply lift one leg behind your back, bending it at the knee. Raise your foot towards your rear. Make sure nobody‘s behind you, or you might end up kicking someone!


With only a few moments—and little to no equipment—required for these exercises, you can prevent that sedentary lifestyle from creeping up on your health!
